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Garden Pathway

Museums and Gardens

We help organizations deal with issues common to museums, including Unrelated Business Income Tax (UBIT) issues such as corporate sponsorship contracts, gift shop revenue, and license agreements that minimize UBIT. Our practice covers helping clients with fundraising or development programs, such major gifts, and accepting increasingly complex illiquid assets such as real estate, closely held business interests, hedge fund and partnership interests, artwork, and collectibles.   

We also represent gardens, including helping historical institutions secure long-term plans for their horticultural assets. In addition, we counsel community organizations on gaining permanent control of garden land that they have been maintaining, sometimes for decades. Clients rely on us for guidance in complex title and lien issues, and we prepare customized documents for one-of-a-kind deals, including ones involving municipal and governmental authorities. In other situations, we set up form documents that can be utilized by staff to minimize ongoing legal costs for routine matters.  

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